Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Text File
56 lines
File≤ System Help:
Commands supported:
* ├ - checksuφ modσ XMODE═ upload
─ - Director∙ oµ availablσ (public⌐ files
G - Goodbye - sign off system
H - File system help (this file)
L - Directory of contents of library (.LBR) file
╤ - Qui⌠ bacδ t∩ maiε BBS
╙ - SenΣ filσ froφ BB╙ (XMODE═ protocol)
╘ - Typσ filσ froφ BB╙ t∩ calle≥ (tex⌠ dump)
* ╒ - XMODE═ UploaΣ filσ t∩ BB╙ (CR├ mode)
* ╓ - Verbatiφ uploaΣ filσ t∩ BB╙ (n∩ erro≥ check≤ o≥ masks)
* Leve∞ ▒ user≤ givinτ C¼ U¼ o≥ ╓ a≤ ß commanΣ wil∞ ge⌠ thσ samσ ì
response that is given to an undefined command.
- Thσ CP/═ filenamσ conventioε oµ usinτ aε ╕ characte≥ filename¼ ì
followeΣ b∙ ß perioΣ (".")¼ followeΣ b∙ aε optiona∞ │ lette≥ ì
extension¼ i≤ observed« Individua∞ member≤ oµ ß librar∙ filσ caε ì
bσ specifieΣ fo≥ [T]ypinτ o≥ [S]endinτ b∙ specifyinτ thσ librar∙ ì
filσ namσ (WITHOU╘ thσ .LB╥ extension)¼ ß slasΦ ("/")¼ theε thσ ì
membe≥ name« Seσ belo≈ fo≥ morσ details.
- Thσ XMODE═ (Christensen⌐ filσ transfe≥ protoco∞ i≤ supported¼ ì
a≤ wel∞ a≤ ß 2╦ uploaΣ capturσ buffe≥ witΦ XON/XOF╞ handshaking« ì
Thσ XMODE═ protoco∞ onl∙ work≤ iµ botΦ end≤ oµ thσ transfe≥ arσ ì
usinτ ß prograφ supportinτ thσ protocol« Wheε uploading¼ makσ ì
surσ beforehanΣ tha⌠ therσ i≤ sufficien⌠ spacσ iε thσ file≤ ì
sectioε fo≥ you≥ file« Thσ spacσ availablσ i≤ reporteΣ afte≥ eacΦ ì
[D]irector∙ command.
- Wheε uploading¼ thσ XMODE═ protoco∞ use≤ onσ oµ tw∩ erro≥ ì
checkinτ methods║ checksuφ o≥ CRC« Usσ thσ checksuφ uploaΣ ("C"⌐ ì
optioε iµ yo⌡ arσ unsurσ oµ whethe≥ you≥ filσ transfe≥ prograφ ì
caε suppor⌠ CRCs« Iµ onσ erro≥ checδ methoΣ fails¼ tr∙ usinτ thσ ì
- Thσ ╘ (type⌐ file≤ commanΣ support≤ norma∞ anΣ squeezeΣ ì
files║ Oncσ ß filσ i≤ identifieΣ a≤ squeezed¼ i⌠ i≤ automaticall∙ ì
expandeΣ fo≥ display« File≤ downloadeΣ usinτ XMODE═ arσ no⌠ ì
expandeΣ iµ squeezed.
- Librar∙ (.LBR⌐ file≤ arσ file≤ tha⌠ contaiε ß collectioε oµ ì
othe≥ files« Usσ thσ [L▌ commanΣ t∩ seσ thσ interna∞ director∙ oµ ì
ß librar∙ file« Thσ [T]ypσ anΣ [S]enΣ command≤ caε acces≤ member≤ ì
oµ ß librar∙ filσ usinτ thi≤ model║ LIBNAME/MEMBER.EXT« Notσ tha⌠ ì
thσ .LB╥ extensioε oµ thσ librar∙ filσ LIBNAM┼ i≤ assumed¼ anΣ if ì
includσd, thσ .LB╥ wil∞ bσ rejecteΣ a≤ illegal« Fo≥ example¼ t∩ ì
vie≈ thσ bulletin≤ file¼ usσ thσ file≤ commanΣ ì
T;BBSINFO/BULLETIN.TXT¼ whicΦ theε extract≤ anΣ type≤ thσ filσ ì
download the same file using XMODEM protocol.è